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Welcome to CAPULC!

Canadian Association of Pipeline and
Utility Locating Contractors

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CAPULC does not endorse a specific education, training, or certificate program. CAPULC does not recommend one training provider over another. CAPULC does recognize that some facility owners and training organizations in the industry offer courses that are created with the intention to improve underground facility locator competency. The information in this section is not all inclusive and there are many programs and training organizations available across Canada. Questions regarding addition to the CAPULC Education and Training Partner Program can be directed to CAPULC does not take responsibility for outcomes from any education or training program. Please make sure to do your research and explore the education and training options that best meet your current requirements and location.  

Locator Training - Online and/or In-person

Equipment Use Training

Third Party Locator Assessments

PO Box 6423
Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 2G2
Phone: 1-888-492-8279

© Canadian Association of Pipeline and Utility Locating Contractors

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