Fall Member Meeting
Thursday, October 21, 2021
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. MST
**This meeting is open to members only.**
There will be a list of important topics up for discussion, including updates from the Education and Standards Committee that was reinstated at the AGM on April 2021. These committee members have been working diligently in creating the Canadian Underground Facility Locator standards for the Locating Industry.
We will be meeting virtually again this year to ensure everyone is able to connect in a safe environment. Teams will be used as the virtual platform for this meeting. There will be information shared on the screen during this meeting, so it is recommended that you join using the link below for instructions on how to connect to the meeting from your computer or smart phone. For more information on how to use Teams to join the meeting, click on the link:
Check out the Agenda

Registration deadline is October 18, 2021.
The link to join the meeting will be sent to
registered attendees only.
Contact the administration office if you have any questions
or concerns.
admin@capulc.ca or call 1-888-492-8279